Caravan ownership policies

Vulnerable Customers Policy

1. Introduction

Haven Leisure Ltd (Haven) is a FCA appointed representative of Bourne Leisure Limited (t/a Haven) who is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for credit broking and insurance distribution activities.
Haven is committed to treating all its customers fairly and ensuring that those who are identified as vulnerable are provided with the necessary support and protection. This policy outlines our approach to identifying and assisting vulnerable customers in compliance with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulations.

2. Definition of vulnerable customers

The FCA defines a vulnerable customer as “someone who, due to their personal circumstances, is especially susceptible to harm”. This may occur if, or when, a firm is not acting with appropriate levels of care and due to their personal circumstances, these individuals may be at a higher risk of experiencing difficulties in understanding, managing, or making informed decisions regarding financial products and services.

3. The Legal bases we rely on

Haven is committed to adopting a proactive approach to identify vulnerable customers. This includes training our team members to recognize signs of vulnerability and establishing processes to identify customers who may need additional support.

Vulnerability can fall into four categories – Health, Life Events, Resilience and Capability and whilst not all customers in these categories may be vulnerable, when a potential vulnerability is identified we will consider a customer’s individual circumstances.

We like to think that by asking the right kind of questions our team members will spot someone who’s vulnerable, however, it’s not always easy to recognise. We know that things happen in life, often when you least expect it and understand that some of our customers prefer to keep things private, however, if you feel you may fit the criteria for a vulnerable customer, please notify us of your particular needs so we can consider how best to support you. Examples of customer vulnerabilities may include, but are not limited to:

  • Communication difficulties (learning difficulties, English not being their first language, dyslexia)

  • Reduced physical or mental capacity.

  • Health issues (physical or mental illness, severe or long term)

  • Sudden diagnosis of serious illness to the customer or close family member

  • Personal circumstances e.g. financial difficulties, bereavement, caring responsibilities or redundancy

  • Age - particularly older and younger people.

4. Our Vulnerable Customer Process

If you tell us that you’re vulnerable or if we think that you may be vulnerable, it won’t stop us from helping you to find your dream holiday home. As multiple factors can contribute to the level of customer vulnerability, as soon as we are aware of a vulnerability it will be recorded, and our team members will identify a suitable approach for each circumstance. For example, we may:

  1. Communicate with you in a different way e.g. you might prefer text over voice so that you can digest information at your own pace.

  2. Ask you more questions to check that you’ve understood the information we’ve provided.

  3. Take more time to go over things to ensure you have additional opportunities to ask us


  4. Suggest that a trusted friend or family member is party to our discussions and, if we feel it’s

    beneficial, arrange to continue conversations once they are available.

What matters most to us when dealing with our customers who are or may be vulnerable is that they get what they need from us to make an informed decision that’s right for them, with the outcome they expected.

5. Communication And Accessibility

Haven will take measures to ensure that communication with customers is clear, transparent, and accessible to all, including vulnerable customers. This may involve providing information in alternative formats, offering additional support channels, and using plain language. If we have been unable to meet your needs, please speak to a team member and we will endeavour to adapt our approach to meet your needs.

6. Monitoring and Review

Our approach to dealing with vulnerable customers will be subject to regular review to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with FCA regulations. If you feel that something has been unclear, we welcome any feedback.

7. Conclusion

Haven is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of customer care, especially for those who may be more vulnerable. This policy reflects our commitment to meeting the FCA regulations and ensuring that vulnerable customers receive fair treatment and appropriate support.

8. Additional Support

If you are feeling vulnerable and need some help, the following organisations may be able to assist you:

Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice is an independent organisation specialising in confidential information and advice to assist people with legal, debt, consumer, housing and other problems. They aim to provide the advice people need for the problems they face. Tel: 0800 144 8848,

Help for Households

A Government website which provides information about support that may be available if you are disabled or have a health condition and useful tips on how to save money on energy bills.

Money Helper

Offer guides, tools and calculators to help you keep track of your finances and plan ahead. Tel: 0800 138 7777

Money Advice Trust

Help tackle debt and manage your money with confidence. They offer advice and help with debt management plans, debt relief orders and individual voluntary arrangements.


They give advice on personal budgeting, the wise use of credit and, where appropriate, managing achievable plans to repay debts. National telephone service and online debt help tool, via our eight regional centres. Tel: 0800 138 1111

Alzheimer’s Society

Help for those who affected by dementia including family members and carers. Tel: 0333 150 3456

Macmillan Cancer Support

They’ll do whatever it takes to support people affected by cancer physically, emotionally and financially. Tel: 0808 808 0000

Marie Curie

Supporting people with terminal illness and their families. Tel: 0800 090 2309


Information and support to anybody experiencing a mental health problem through their website, their infoline and their peer support platform Side by Side. Tel: 0300 123 3393

Age UK

Age UK offer support to older people with cost of living, a benefits calculator and pension advice. Tel: 0800 055 6112

Relay UK

Relay UK is a free service that helps people with hearing and speech difficulties to communicate with anyone over the phone. A Relay UK assistant can speak with us on your behalf by converting your speech into text and vice versa. You can use Relay UK with a textphone or by downloading the app to your smartphone, tablet or PC.


The Samaritans will help you if you’re struggling to cope, feeling suicidal or need support if you’re bereaved by suicide. Tel: 116 123


Scope is the disability equality charity in England and Wales. They provide practical information and emotional support and campaign to create a fairer society. Tel: 0808 800 3333

Haven Leisure Ltd is registered in England (No. 01968698) and is a FCA appointed representative of BourneLeisureLimited(t/aHaven). Bourne Leisure Ltd isregistered in England(No.04011660) and is authorised and regulated by the FCA (Financial Services Register No. 312847) as a credit broker and insurance distributor. Registered office: One Park Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 4YL. We may receive commission from the finance provider if you enter into an agreement with them.

Commission Disclosure Policy

1. Introduction

Haven Leisure Ltd (Haven) is an appointed representative of Bourne Leisure Ltd (t/a Haven) who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for consumer credit related activities and insurance distribution; it is not a lender.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) requires us to ensure that customers are aware of the existence of commission before entering into a credit agreement and Haven is committed to maintaining a policy of transparency in relation to commission disclosure.

If you are a consumer, sole trader or small partnership and use our services to enter into an agreement which is regulated by the Consumer Credit Act, you have a legal right to ask us to disclose the amount of commission that we will receive. All customers have the right to ask us the amount of commission that we will receive for regulated insurance products.

2. Delivering Good Customer Outcomes

Bourne Leisure Ltd is committed to treating our customers fairly and ensuring that the products and services we provide are suitable for their needs. We have regard to the price and value of the financial products and services we offer and aim to provide good consumer understanding and ongoing support. We aim to be clear, fair and transparent in all customer interactions.

3. What do we do?

Finance Facilities

Haven is a credit broker not a lender and can offer financial product information from a limited number of finance providers who may be able to finance your holiday home purchase. We will only introduce you to these lenders. We do not provide independent financial advice or recommendations; however, we may ask you questions in order to explain the products. If you choose to take finance from one of these finance providers, you will receive pre-contract credit information detailing the terms & conditions of the finance product. You may be able to obtain finance to purchase a holiday home from other lenders who might offer a better rate, and we encourage you to seek alternative quotations by researching your options on the high street, in the media and online. You will then need to make your own choice about how to proceed.


A condition of the finance agreement is that you insure your holiday home with an adequate insurance policy. We will inform you of the Bourne Leisure Ltd arranged insurance product as an option, but we encourage you to seek alternative insurance quotations from other insurance providers who may be able to provide a better rate or premium. You will need to make your own choice about which insurance to take, but you must have adequate insurance in place.

4. Commission Information

Haven does not charge you a fee for introduction to its finance or insurance providers.

Haven does receive commission for arranging holiday home insurance.

We may also receive a commission payment from our finance provider(s) if you enter into a financial agreement them to purchase your holiday home. The commission does not affect the amount you will pay under the finance agreement and any interest rate is set by the lender.

Our team members do not receive commission for any finance options taken as part of a sale. The commission is purely between Haven and the finance provider as part of their agreement.

5. How are customers informed of commission information?

The existence of commission information in respect of the above is communicated to all Haven customers on the Information Disclosure Document (IDD), which is given to and signed by customers at the initial point of purchase (sign-up).

If requested by you, we are required to let you know the amount or likely amount of any commission, fee or other remuneration payable to us by the lender.

You can ask us to disclose the amount of commission any time from our initial discussions through to the point when your agreement is set live. After this point we have no obligation to disclose what we have earned from transacting the deal.

6. Monitoring and Review

To request disclosure of commission please contact us by:


Writing to: The Compliance Department, Bourne Leisure Ltd, One Park Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 4YL

We will aim to respond to you within 14 working days.

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