Latest park re-opening information
Last updated: 06/04/22
This page is no longer being updated. All of our parks across the UK are open. If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 while on park or prior to travel, please follow the guidance outlined below:
What you should do if you are unwell on park
If while on holiday you feel that you may have developed symptoms of Coronavirus, we ask that you take the following steps to best support you and your family and other guests on park.
Call reception or park security with your caravan location and number. We will need to record that you have potential symptoms, so please ensure you call our team so we can support you.
If you are well enough to travel, you will be asked to go home to self-isolate, avoiding public transport.
Should you feel too unwell or be unable to leave, we will ask you to isolate in your caravan and we will support you as appropriate.
What to do if you are unwell prior to travel
Do not travel if you feel unwell and please remember to follow the Government guidance and do not leave home if you or someone you live with has any of the following: a high temperature, a new, continuous cough or a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste. If you or anyone in your household has any of the symptoms listed, stay at home, isolate and do not travel. Please go to for the latest information.
We want to keep everyone on park safe, so please do not travel if you are feeling unwell or are displaying any symptoms of Coronavirus.
Covid 19 and your personal data
Following the outbreak of COVID-19 and its development into a global pandemic, we, like many organisations are implementing a number of measures to safeguard our Guests, Owners and Team against the health threat that is being posed. We endeavour to maintain 'business-as-usual' to the extent allowed by our particular circumstances.
As a result of these efforts, we are implementing a number of new processes. This may also mean collecting and processing new types of information about you or collecting data in a new way. For example to manage our arrivals process, ensure social distancing or communicate with you if we need to, e.g. in a safeguarding situation. In all cases, information collected will be limited to what is proportionate and necessary for the purpose and data protection principles will apply in the usual way.
To ensure that we are transparent with you about how we process your personal data, please see our Covid-19 privacy policy. This should be read with our main Privacy Policy. Together, these are designed to advise you about how we may use the information we hold about you in general and in relation to the unprecedented challenges we are all facing in response to the recent outbreak. In most cases, this will not be above and beyond what would originally be collected from you. However, in the case of a Covid-19 incident we need to ensure we can manage the situation responsibly to ensure your safety and wellbeing.